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Shared Contacts

(Third party App)



We have successfully installed and recommended this app for several customers who did not want to use CRM.  The app allows organizations to share selected groups of contacts with specific people or groups of user. And these users can update/add new contacts. Very simple functionnaly but highly useful and so long desired. 

We recommend this app because it is affordable as long as you dont have thousands of users !  


With "Shared Contacts for Gmail®", you can share your contacts groups (address books) with users of your domain.

Share Google contacts like you share Google Docs ! With ""Shared Contacts for Gmail®"", you can share your contacts groups (address books) with users of your domain.

*Share your Gmail contact groups with specific users or groups of users

*Users can modify or add shared contacts

*Shared contacts appear in search and show-up in Gmail autocomplete

*Unlimited sharing capacity

You can find this add on app in the Google Apps for Marketplace.

 If your would like assistance in installing this app to your domain or would like to hear about our experience with it please contacts us.

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